RBT professional boundaries [RBT]
How does a Registered Behavior Technician maintain professional boundaries?
Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) maintain professional boundaries by following ethical guidelines and standards that promote professional conduct and appropriate relationships with clients. Here are three ways RBTs can maintain professional boundaries:
Establish clear boundaries: RBTs can establish clear boundaries by explaining their role and responsibilities to clients, setting limits on their availability outside of scheduled sessions, and avoiding dual relationships where possible.
Avoid conflicts of interest: RBTs should avoid conflicts of interest by not engaging in any activities that could potentially compromise their objectivity or interfere with their ability to provide effective services to clients.
Maintain professional demeanor: RBTs should maintain a professional demeanor by dressing appropriately, using professional language, and avoiding any behaviors that could be construed as unprofessional or inappropriate.
Non-examples of maintaining professional boundaries might include:
Socializing with clients outside of the therapy session: RBTs should avoid socializing with clients outside of the therapy session, as this can blur the boundaries between their professional and personal relationships.
Engaging in dual relationships: RBTs should avoid engaging in dual relationships with clients, such as providing therapy to a family member or friend, as this can create conflicts of interest and compromise their objectivity.
Sharing personal information with clients: RBTs should avoid sharing personal information with clients, as this can create an inappropriate level of familiarity and undermine the professional relationship.